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10 Characteristics of a Passionate Person: The Sequel

Updated on March 21, 2018
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Sima is an avid online writer. She writes about various subjects that she is passionate about. Thanks for reading her articles.

Passion makes you free.
Passion makes you free. | Source

My Most Visited Hub Is The Subject of Passion

I am exploring more on the subject of passion because it the most visited Hub I have written on Hubpages, and I felt my readers wanted more. The subject of passion has always been fascinating, especially in recent years – with the surge of finding our purpose. Life without purpose is like having legs and not being able to walk. Passion is the engine and the fuel that drives your life to great exploits.

Have you ever been in a contest or something of the sort, and as you were competing a feeling came over you that drove you to the finish line; but not just the finish line, you won. How did you win and why did you win? It was passion. Passion causes you to outdo your very own self – you step outside of you and begin to focus on the greater meaning and very purpose of which you are called. And because passion has no gender, race or creed, you allow yourself to sore without caring about obstacles or deficiencies; you only care about living in the moment at its highest level.

Take the time to enjoy life.  Photo of Ocean in West Maui - Kahana.
Take the time to enjoy life. Photo of Ocean in West Maui - Kahana. | Source

So what I want to do here and now is provide you with some more insight into how you can grab a hold of passion to ignite your future. There are five points that I want to drive home to you that shed more in-depth light of this inner feeling called passion.

Being passionate also has everything to do with your relationships. To be able to express yourself by giving and receiving love makes a huge impact on your passion. Every successful person I can think of has a strong social network.

Relationships are critical to our growth. We need advice, counsel, and laughter to help strengthen our moral and spiritual being. We need to connect with positive people who root for and believe in us to be a well-balanced individual.

When all the criteria of passion are met, we become free. Free as a child hopping and skipping along on a sunny day. Children don't worry about things because they know their needs are going to be met. A child's main goal is to enjoy life. And when you have passion, you experience a life free of worry about what others think about you just like a child. You can let your hair down and give life your all. Without further delay, following are the Five Points About Passion - 10 Characteristics of a Passionate Person - The Sequel.

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Five Points About Passion

Point 1. Passionate people are not all celebrities, superstars or superheroes. A passionate person can simply be your beautician, your manager, or your child’s basketball coach. Ordinary people who live their lives touching other people and changing lives usually fit this category.

Point 2. Passion isn’t all about money. Money is the result of your productivity and effectiveness. But passion is the result of significant change that affects and motivates others to want to experience your success. Passion goes beyond hard work and skill. – It labors to take on a task, a marathon or a role that helps improve our existing world.

Point 3. Passion wishes others well. Have you ever noticed the one person in the room that is so positive, caring, selfless and humble? Passionate people are the most secure people in the room. They give compliments with genuine ease and accept compliments in humility. They are able to focus on others and are willing to help you. They realize that life is not about them – they know that life is bigger, broader and deeper.

Point 4. Passion never gives up. A passionate person may not win the contest or claim a prize -- But they finish what they start. Excuses have no entryway into the passionate person’s life. To give up is to say, I am not committing myself anymore. Passion keeps on striving until the goal is reached. Life throws us many curves, but we must roll with the punches. Giving up is the easy way out. But we must hold out until the finish line. If we never make it to the finish line, we will never win the prize.

You Can Become a Passionate Person.

Point 5. You can become a passionate person. The drive to reach, touch, heal, change, or help is simpler than you might think. Stop comparing yourself to others, and deal with yourself. If you compare yourself to a movie star, actress, or famous figure, you will probably come up short. Stop comparing your life by the dollar, popularity or things you possess. Be your best self. Strive for excellence, keep moving forward, and love the life you have been given, and your passion with show and grow.

Perhaps you need some time to get away and re-new your passion or refresh yourself. One of the most pleasant peaceful places to find rest, relaxation and enjoyment in the country is in Maui County, Hawaii.

Thanks so much for visiting my hub and I hope you have gotten a thought or maybe some inspiration to walk in your passion. Have a great day!


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